Borras Construction commenced on site in December 2012.
The programme of major works can be summarised as follows:
Park Lodge restoration/extension and service yard - December 2012 to September 2013
Play Area Kiosk/Toilets - Feb to July 2013
Bandstand restoration - Feb to April 2013
Sports pavilions external works - April to May 2013
Demolition of shelter and toilets - Feb/March 2013
Lakeside repairs - April to June 2013
Footpath works, gates and railings works and soft landscape preparation - April to Sept 2013
Planting Autumn/Winter
It is intended that the contractor will allow access to most areas of the park at most times however some areas will be closed off on occasions in the interest of public safety. In the meantime Havering Council apologise for any inconvenience to park visitors.
If you require any further information about the project telephone the council on 01708 432360.